Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 21: Opsec Again

Tonight we got a nasty email from our FRG (Family Readiness Group) that someone in our troop had violated Opsec, operational security. I have been trying to be very vague about anything, and my husband certainly hasn't told me anything. As hard as it is to face a deployment, facing the end of one and not being able to plan anything makes it more stressful.

All I know for sure is that things are winding down and that we're drawing closer and closer to it being over. I don't know any flight times or movement times, etc. I don't even know if his unit is planning on moving in the next few days. I am hopeful that he is getting ready to move soon and then we have to plan around a 5 day window or so, with a 72 hour notification, but I'm not allowed to post when I get the notification. I'm not sure when I'm allowed to post anything.

I do know that the email felt very pointed. Here is what it said, "Tonight I was informed about a possible Operational Security (OPSEC) breach.  This email is to reinterate to all of you the importance of not posting information.  The squadron FRG Senior advisor, has informed me that anyone caught violating OPSEC can be removed from IRIS notification and will NOT be notified of Welcome Home.
OPSEC is not a game, and it is critical in keeping our soldiers safe.  Their is an enemy and tragedy does occur!  Do not post information on social media sites such as Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, etc.  This information includes Welcome Home ceremony information, when flights are enroute, locations, etc.  IF YOU ARE CAUGHT POSTING THIS INFORMATION OR BREAKING OPSEC IN ANY WAY YOU WILL BE REPORTED!  Your soldier can get in serious trouble for your breach, AND YOU WILL BE REMOVED FROM IRIS!  Official channels can report this information, but spouses and other family member need to stay clear of this.
If you are not sure what is ok to post and not ok to post, PLEASE ASK.  We are here to answer your questions.  We all want our soldiers to arrive back at the Great Place SAFELY!  All of you can help do this by making sure not to break OPSEC. "

I certainly don't want Chad to get in trouble for anything I do, and I have been very careful not to say anything but vague answers about when he might be home. We know soon. We are hoping for sooner rather than later, but that is all we know. Everything is guesswork. I don't even know that I know anything I could share that would be considered a break in OPSEC. 

I am just hopeful that if it were me (somehow), that I would have been yelled at and told somehow, but my paranoia always feels like I'm being the one pointed out. I am trying to decide if I stay up and wait, hoping to find out from Chad, if he knows, what the violation was or just go to bed and wonder. 

He is being super cautious, and his family and I are trying to stay all code words and vague over all social media and even the phone. But it is just scary. I still wish we knew why all the extra security and focus this time. I'm not sure we will ever know if there was more of a threat or just more cautious behavior on the army side this time. 

I know that the soldier's safety is paramount and I want my soldier home safely, but making the return so secretive really makes things much more stressful at home. I can't tell people when they should visit or plan meals enough days ahead of time. Everything being very vague and last minute is hard when we want to have a Welcome Home celebration. 

After a year of being separated by thousands of miles, we just want to know when to expect our soldier. And so do the extended families and friends. I would hope that no one has actually compromised anyone's safety, but it is hard not to want to shout it from the rooftops when he is actually on his way home. It will be all I can do not to alert the media! Inside my head at least. It will be super hard not to be able to tell my best friend because she lives in Illinois and I would have to call her on the phone. 

Somehow these last few weeks are stretching like warm taffy into forever. I just want him HOME!

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