Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 195: Time for me

I have been really struggling with finding a balance between working full-time and being a mom. My daughter spends more time each day with the teachers in her room at school than she does me. Just saying that makes me want to cry. If I pick her up at 5 and put her to bed at 9, I only get four hours with her a day and much of that time is trying to balance cooking, eating, cleaning, feeding her, folding laundry, basically caring for the home and dog. I still don't get to spend much time with her.

Even when I spend the entire night in the same room as she is, I still struggle with giving her undivided attention. She is great at entertaining herself a lot, but I want to be an active force in her life. That said, how do I carve out time for myself. I am struggling to lose weight. I have a hole in my hip which limits the activities I can do. I am trying to walk with her, but obviously the weather affects that and my mobility is an issue. I can only do so much with her in the evening at home. Tonight, it was dinner, bath and bed so fast that I don't know what happened to play time.

I just feel like I want more time to play with her and need more time for me. I am really feeling frustrated about it. There isn't enough time in the day to be all things. I need to take time for myself, but when I do get a second there is already such a list of things I have to do. I have piles of mail that I need to take care of ( bills, forms, documentation for reimbursement, taxes, bank statements, credit cards, etc.)

Here it is ten o'clock and I had no time for exercise tonight or chores. Today's mail is still crammed in my briefcase where I put it to get it into the house when I got home from work. I brought her in, changed cloths, gave her a bottle, made dinner, fed her, cleaned up dishes, gave her a bath, finished her bottle, put her to bed, took care of dishes and nightly chores, sat down at 9:40 with a yogurt to finish this blog.

I know people do this, do it better than I am, but I am just not sure how. Tonight, I am so tired and worn down. I am not good with mess, unfinished tasks, and clutter makes me a little crazy. Maybe God is trying to make sure I learn to be a Mary, focusing on what is really important and maybe this year it isn't me.

1 comment:

  1. You can't do it all in one night. Now that Wade is older, it's easier. I remember those nights of babyhood--Wade went to bed at 6:30 for a LONG time. He is a SLEEPER! Pick ONE task or room for each week night. I still do this. I hate leaving all the cleaning for the weekends...because then the weekends are a waste OR if we are busy on the weekend, the house falls apart.
