Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 174: Too tired

Well, today was interesting. I got to visit with some friends and family. There was limited drama but lots of extended and "adopted" family.

We are still trying to recuperate from the drive and poor Chad is trying to just figure out what country he is in. He was in Iraq Sunday and in Fort Hood on Monday and driving all night Tuesday through Wednesday to Illinois.

He is just so tired and it was a long day today of visiting and socializing, etc. I didn't get much time to write but I wanted to let everyone know that we're alive.

We're trying to reconnect amidst the turmoil of the funeral and traveling and still don't know if his leave is going to get straightened out. It is harder this time for us to reconnect. We didn't talk as much or about things as we have in the past because both of our lives have been pretty repetitive and it feels like we're just rehashing the same things over and over.

It is kind of strange to be together again. I don't know that anyone will understand how strange it is to finally be face to face again, be close again. It takes time to bond again. This time has been harder with all the crazy stuff going on and with the baby as a buffer between us. We need to take some time for just us, soon. I am hopeful that he will start talking to me on the drive home. He has been holding in so much.

For tonight, I am going to finally go lay down to try to get some sleep. It is hard for me to be in a new place, a strange bed so it is no wonder that the baby struggles with her environment too. I hope she is less fussy tomorrow. These teeth are killing her. UGH

1 comment:

  1. Wish I could see you while your here. We had a nice conversation about memories of Mort today at lunch. Few of us knew him, it seems!
    Have a safe trip home!
