Gearing up for the holidays! The past few years, I have been alone for Thanksgiving. Last year, Chad had Sniper school and left early November. I went to a friend's family dinner. I was glad for the invitation and it was a nice day, but nothing can replace spending the holidays with family. The year before I went to a different friend's holiday dinner too. I could have traveled home, but the expense just didn't seem worth it for a few short days at home and the long traveling days. The plane ticket, parking the car, boarding the dog. By the time all is said and done, this trip home for 4 days will cost about $700. My mom in law helped with some of the expense, but it is a lot for a short trip.
This year it is going to be a bigger hassle trying to travel with the Lil Britches, but also more important that we visit friends and family back home. She is changing so much; almost everyday I notice something new she is doing. Living so far away from everyone, I really miss being able to share that with everyone. I also can't wait to have a few extra hands. My mother-in-law and her husband and my mom will all be plenty happy to let me have a few days with emptier hands. While today I spent a few hours just holding her while she napped, (btw a total angel) it will also be nice to have a little freedom.
Following my own organizational advice, while putting laundry away today, I laid out her clothes for this week, the first couple of days of the week, and her outfits for our trip. But it's all the little things I need to pack for her and myself that make me crazy. I have so many tiny details to remember and how to have it all accessible for our long stop in Dallas. Plus, never having traveled with her, I worry about taking carry-ons and such. I think I am going to have to pull out the mommy purse for sure, but also diaper bag AND briefcase so I can take my computer.
This is getting complicated. Mmm, I am going to have to give this some thought. Hopefully, I will be able to get it all done tomorrow and be able to have everything packed. I would love to just keep out what I need for Monday and Tuesday and have the suitcase sitting ready to go. We'll see. I am trying not to get stressed or worried and just go with the flow. If I can keep myself chill, it will be a big step for me as a person.
I have always been someone who makes lists of the necessary lists. And sometimes agonizes over organizing. Luckily, my mother-in-law has taken care of so much so I can mostly pack clothes and hit the road. It will be hard to go to work this week for just two days. I can't even imagine how hard it will be for my students. We are taking a test that takes both days, so hopefully it will help keep them calm. Gonna be torture for me though. I am hoping the test goes well, but watching them take it is going to be SO boring.
See my problem~! I start thinking about one thing that I am worried about and the next thing I know my whole brain is going on all the stuff in the recesses of my over multi-tasked mind. I can't wait for a vacation.
If I can provide anything you need on this end, let me know! Pack and play? bumbo? toys? clothing if the weather changes (yes, it'll be boy clothing....but better than totally buying new!) Barb Chase has a bunch of my stuff, otherwise I'd offer that! Just let me know! I have Dr. Brown's bottles too.