We all hate it. Most of us avoid it like the plague. Some of us choose careers deliberately considering the limited chance of it. But most of the important lessons, skills and truths I've learned have either come from failure or from risking failure.
This week I have been just having the best week with my daughter. I feel like I am finally getting the hang of this "single" mom, working parent thing. I have finally gotten a routine down and mastered some organizational strategies that really free up my evenings and weekends. I have been able to sit down before seven every night all of my chores done, both of us fed and ready to enjoy the evening. Being sick last week forced me to get super organized and now I reap the benefits.
So Monday, I was perusing my Facebook newsfeed and saw that one of my page subscriptions, Money Saving Mom, was asking for guest submissions regarding organizational strategies. After giving it some thought, I decided to send in a submission. She has thousands of readers and said she would only take one or two submissions. I know it is a long shot, but why not try out my writing chops a bit. It was hard to give good tips and have my personality shine through in 500 words, but I wrote a submission, edited, proofread, and clicked send.
Who knows how it will turn out, but putting myself out there, risking failure is taking a chance at least. Maybe with all this new found time I've managed to organize myself into, maybe I will work on another article. If nothing else, I have been writing this blog every day. I should dig out one of the novels I've started over the years and finish it.
Not tonight, I already swept and dusted the kitchen and dusted the office and living room. I've been productive enough. But I do need to really bust out my writing chops. Ok, readers, leave me comments with character names, settings, plot ideas and tomorrow I will write a random story based on your suggestions.
Hmmmm....sounds like a journal topic :) I might have my kids do this, then trade!