I am feeling a little broken today. Last night I was carrying Lil Bit through the kitchen and my left leg almost went out from under me. I had to use the counter to support myself. It was a bit scary trying to balance myself and her on one leg.
Today I have a thyroid appointment for nodules. The doctor said that something on the ultrasound was new, so we need a needle biopsy. Oh yay!! Probably not cancer, but we're gonna stick a big needle into your neck and suck the goo out just to check. Doesn't that sound fantastic?
If this is getting older, I can't wait to see what I'm like at 60. If it is all downhill from 30, I am in deep doo doo!!
I have my hip CT on the Monday after Thanksgiving and the needle biopsy the next day. At this rate, I should be a pin cushion by Christmas! Woo Hoo! Can you tell how enthusiastic I am about all these medical procedures. I hate having to go to the doctor and now it seems like a part time job as often as I am there.
I'm afraid to tell the orthopedic surgeon that my other hip hurts, he might recommend amputation. I have never felt so young in spirit with my new daughter giving me new eyes and such joy and so old in body. I hope I can get fixed up and be active again soon.
Take care of yourself and do what the doctor tells you to do. Have you tried glucosamine and chondroiten (I know I probably spelled those wrong!)?