So now we've traveled both ways, four plane trips. I got home last night so exhausted that I didn't want to do anything, but had my normal weekend stuff to do, plus get things put away, unpacked, etc. I am still exhausted. I am ready to crawl into bed now. Unfortunately, she is about to wake up from her nap.
Traveling with an infant, wow, so much to say. First, we traveled from one climate to another. I had a coat for me and a snowsuit for her. You can't fit a winter coat into a carry-on and carry anything else on, so I was dragging her coat and mine from state to state. In retrospect, we were outside for about ten minutes total, from the baggage claim to the car which was in the covered garage, and from the car to the house. I don't think she went out again and I didn't much either. We could have done without the coats. You just don't know how cold the Midwest is going to be this time of year. I remember years with four foot snow drifts and years of shorts and roller skates on Christmas. But in any case, two bulky coats made travel so much more fun.
Then I had my purse, a "fridge to go" ice pack bag for her formula, her stroller, and my backpack which carried diaper bag supplies, toys, laptop and electronics and my book that I didn't really get to read while traveling. The stroller was a travel folding "umbrella" type. In order to get around expediently, I hung the jackets on the handles and bags over them. The weight of the bottle bag, purse and coats was such that every time I took Lil Bit out of the stroller, the whole production toppled over. In our home airport, one young man, took pity and helped me right it. Not so in the airport back home on our return trip. I was wrestling with changing her on a tiny leather seat, because the one family restroom for ten gates was full, the ladies' room had no changing area and the terminal seats were my only option. The seat was too short for her and slanted backwards, so every few seconds I had to rescue her from sliding out the back. People all around me saw me struggling and left the tipped over stroller where it lay and gave me looks clearly pleading to not be sitting near me and my baby.
Then the aisles in the plane are ridiculously tiny. I probably smashed a hundred people in the head with either my purse or coats. I tried to be as unobtrusive and self-sufficient as possible. I tried to be considerate and really be expedient through security. I did a pretty good job, but people sometimes are so judgmental. The good news is that I didn't have to get a full pat down or a full body screen. I don't think the airports I went through had the technology yet. Security was definitely heightened. They patted down the baby's shoes and did a chemical test on her formula. I know the terrorists are by definition crazy and horrible, but even if there were explosive in the baby's shoes, how much explosive could they have even carried? Really? But if it keeps my baby safe, I can be more tolerant.
The baby did really good in the plane for a baby, but she fussed a few times because she was tired or hungry. She really only cried for a couple of minutes, but the guy who reeked of liquor glared over his shoulder at her and me. I understand being frustrated at a baby screaming. It is just about one of the least pleasant sounds in the world; however, when a baby has a melt down, there isn't much you can do. They don't understand many words yet and can't communicate except by smiles or cries.
Lil Bit did as good as she could have. I just think that as inconvenient as flying with babies can be, the airlines could help. They could have the computers automatically place parents with lap infants near the front of the plane. They could have a storage space for three or four small umbrella strollers on board, a space that would easily be used by crew or by passengers if not needed for strollers when the overhead compartments are overflowing. Having her stroller on the plane would have made my life SO much easier. I also plan to have one bottle, two diapers and pocket wipes in my purse and a toy or two attached to the straps; everything else can be put away. I had too much stuff I was trying to carry and couldn't get to any of it during the flights.
Until they create a baby plane or parenting flight, I imagine this will be like anything else so far in mommyhood, about the time I figure it out, it will change. At least we have a few weeks to recover before our next adventure.
Not sure if you guys are flying back here for Christmas...but if you need anything baby wise/warm clothing let me know.'ll be blue, but free to borrow!