Well, I asked for help today. I bribed my babysitter with a box of baby clothes (she's pregnant) to come over this afternoon and help with the baby while I cleaned house. She came over and promptly told me I was crazy, the house didn't need cleaning. While I knew it really did, I realized then that I had managed to do a good enough job this week picking up little by little that I didn't have too much to do. I still found things that I wanted to do to feel good about the house before I opened my home for a party, but I am really very proud that I managed to clean the house, take care of the baby and throw a party while being exhausted from a long week and fighting a cough/cold/sore throat combo pack.
Woo hoo - I rock! It wasn't all easy and I will be eating left overs for the entire week, but I did it. The house is immaculate. My friend Danielle and her friend Brittany stayed and did all the glasses and clean up which would have taken me forever with a fussy baby. I really appreciated that. I will still have some clean up and putting away of things tomorrow, but almost none.
This week I also had a lot of evenings where I got to sit and play with my beautiful daughter instead of feeling like I was running around like crazy. It was amazing! I was organized and figured out some tricks to keeping ahead of the day to day tasks. I am sure that the rough stuff is not behind me, but I am welcoming the break. Maybe I am finally getting a handle on this single mom stuff? I don't know, but my baby is asleep, my dog is snuggled in her bed, the house smells like cinnamon and pecan pie. I am pleasantly wiped out after a fun night with the girls and a sink full of different wines.
My daughter was happy and smiling all night. She was laughing and crinkling her nose at all the girls for hours. She easily went to everyone for hugs and snuggles. She played contentedly in her bouncer or play gym. While she did keep an eye on me, she felt secure and happy even in unfamiliar company. And then happily clung to me when she started feeling drowsy.
I may not be "SuperMom", but I think there are days I am A super mom. While I held my Lil Bit tonight and rocked her to sleep, I wondered what she would remember of me from her childhood. Today I was silly with her, multi-tasking like a pro, laughing and smiling, trying to make even the little things fun. I don't know if her happy disposition is how she was born, but I hope that the way I love her and the silly way I sing and dance and make faces from across the room is part of why she is such a delightful child. I have no idea how much is DNA and how much is MOM but I am really proud of how well I am doing as a woman and "single"mom.
I hope when I next have a rough day, I can remember that today I felt good.
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