Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 90: Manners and Missing

I'm pretty sure I've turned into the cranky, bitter old lady. Today was exasperating. My students are just so different that I was ever allowed to be.

They seem to feel more entitled to respect than willing to give it. When I give directions in class, some of my students talk right over me, then they don't know what to do and get angry with me when I don't feel like explaining again. It is frustrating to explain everything more than once, but to do so because they chose not to listen.

I was just about in tears. I can't wait for tomorrow! By the end of the day, I felt ambushed by rudeness. It was not all my students, but enough that they hijacked my class. It is hard this week (last week of classes before exams) to enforce discipline except for serious offenses because the AP's have their hands full playing catch up with the usual suspects.

Then I came home with my Lil Bit and instead of having a nice night playing with her, encountered inexplicably cranky girl with her trusty sidekicks snotty nose and screaming fits. She cried for more than an hour for no reason I could ascertain. I held her, which seemed to sooth her some, but for the most part, she just cried.

A combination of Tylenol, Mylicon,  Gerber cookies and milk seemed to do something. I'm not sure which was the fix, but she finally calmed down. It was really hard being patient with her when all she would do it scream. I felt really overwhelmed. I still kinda want to scream with frustration over the rough day.

She screamed in anger and frustration every time I put her down, but would cry and squirm when I held her. If you don't have any children, or they are too little for this yet, it is hard to imagine how it feels to be trying to comfort your precious child who is kicking, pinching, and randomly slapping you. At least she didn't bite me.

I kept from getting angry or losing my patience by reminding myself that she doesn't usually act like this, so something must be wrong for her to be so upset. That was when we tried Tylenol for her teeth and mylicon in case the lactose in her toddler formula was bothering her.

Soon after, she asked for crackers. Although to be fair, cracker is her sign for crackers, cookies, cereal, heck, food in general. I gave her some cookies and she calmed down and even drank some of her milk. She went down to bed with no fuss, right on time.

Which is good, because I felt like I was near my breaking point today. There are days I get tired, days I feel like I've got the world by a string, and days I wonder how I will do this one more second alone. I don't even know how my husband will fit into our little routine. We get so used to doing our own thing without him here. But I am so ready to find out how Chad will be a part of our day to day. I really need some support.

Not just with the baby either. This week has been very emotional for me and I've struggled with a lot of different issues. I really miss having my best friend here to talk to, hug, cry on his shoulder. I know this week was so much harder for him. He was "busy" with 18 hour "I can't talk about it" days and then got one hour of sleep last night because he got called out for the quick response force (emergency crew).

He was online today but barely had a second to talk and couldn't tell me much about his week anyway. It was hard sitting online together and not being able to really talk. I am glad he isn't a spy; it would kill me not to know what he is doing forever. I really felt how much I miss him today. He really is my better half. That sounds so cliche, but we can still spend an evening talking so much we can't get through a tv show or never turn it on. We can make a party out of taco night in our kitchen. We can play xbox until we're both sweaty and gross and have the best time together. It might not work for any two other people in the world, but it works for us. AND I MISS HIM!

So I'm at the breaking point with missing my husband, needing some time for myself. needing kids to just hold it together for a few more days and the eternally teething baby who refuses to get new teeth, hair or walk. Mmm, I guess I could look at the positive side. I still have all my teeth, hair and can walk. No wonder she is so crabby.

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