Sunday, May 29, 2011

Day 87: Groundhog Day

As much as I have been looking forward to summer vacation, I am a little afraid of being all mommy all the time for two months. I really enjoyed being home with the baby last summer, but she wasn't mobile and napped a lot.

This summer is going to be very different. She is all go go go. I've kept her pretty well contained in the living room, but that is going to have to change. She is going to need more room to explore very soon. She is learning and developing so quickly.

After this weekend, I am mostly concerned about turning into a recluse reliving the same day over and over. We wake up, do potty time, get some food in us, go for a run/walk, eat breakfast, cool down, play, lunch, nap, play, dinner, play, bath, bed. Like a very boring version of the movie, Groundhog Day. 

I really want to use her nap time to write, but I am afraid I will mostly be using it to nap too. Between the Texas heat and the energy used running, I may end up sleeping with her many days. Although I think I may have to dial down the distance after this weekend. I ran 4.3 miles Saturday, but it burned me out for most of the rest of the day. I was so sore and achey that all it felt like all I could do to survive the day. Very hard to be a mommy with no energy.

I have so many things I want to do, but somehow I end up on the couch, trying to stay awake. I think I am going to have to have some caffeine in my summer routine. Although Lil Bit was so great last night. She went to bed at 9:30 and I didn't hear a peep from her at all. Finally at 9, I went in to check on her and she was playing with her stuffed zebra. I think she had just woken up, but who knows. She was very quiet. I actually slept until 8 myself and was up doing stuff before she woke up.

I started with the day with a backache so I took some Excedrin. I think the caffeine helped me wake up and get moving. Other than coffee, I don't have any drinks in the house with caffeine. I am definitely going to have to revise that strategy.

But today ended on a high note. Lil Bit took her first steps!! She walked three times and stood up for long time periods a few more. She even danced a little bit. I was so worried that I would miss it. If the summer is full of moments like this, maybe I won't mind living it over and over.

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