Today, we drove about 90 minutes north to visit my husband's mother's husband's son and his wife and two children. Essentially my step-brother-in-law and his family are who they are to me.
My MIL made her mother's chicken and noodles and chocolate chip cookies yesterday and we drove up. After lunch, the "boys" and I (SBIL and SFIL and stepsons and step-nephew) went to see Transformers 3 in 3D. The movie was a little weak on plot with too many long drawn out action sequences that could have been shortened without losing interest or intensity, but had a few plot twists and neat effects with the 3D. It was WAY too loud and very violent for a movie whose advertising primarily targets younger children. I didn't think the new girlfriend character was interesting or believable. I didn't trust the character and didn't feel like the actors had any chemistry. But the movie was certainly entertaining, even if half the movie I wasn't sure which transformer was doing what. I would recommend drinking very little the day of the movie and waiting to start drinking until at least half way through the movie. I had to pee the last 30 minutes and was FREEZING in the theater. Also, the 3D is pretty cool and makes a lot of the action sequences more interesting.
It was nice to take the boys to do something special with their grandpa and uncle and cousin. Later, the ladies (my MIL, my SBIL's wife, my SBIL's MIL and myself with Lil Bit) sat visiting on the porch while all the boys, littlest cousin included, went for a walk to the pond. We talked about kids, having kids, raising them, letting them go, marriages, weddings. We watched Lil Bit bonk herself on the head by falling off a chair, now that she learned to climb into them at my sister's house.
It was a nice day, although very long and late. I was struck, as we sat around and visited, how this is a very different type of family structure than people envisioned as ideal in the 50's, but it works. My step-sons have an adopted sister, a father Chad and a step-Uncle Chad who is the son of a grandpa who is their grandma's husband, but not biologically related. And we don't care. We are family. We are joined by marriage, love and friendship. We may not always agree or see eye to eye, but we're a family, mixed up and different, but in a world so full of negative things, why worry about labels for people who love you? Family is the only label that matters and it isn't always determined by blood.
My MIL made her mother's chicken and noodles and chocolate chip cookies yesterday and we drove up. After lunch, the "boys" and I (SBIL and SFIL and stepsons and step-nephew) went to see Transformers 3 in 3D. The movie was a little weak on plot with too many long drawn out action sequences that could have been shortened without losing interest or intensity, but had a few plot twists and neat effects with the 3D. It was WAY too loud and very violent for a movie whose advertising primarily targets younger children. I didn't think the new girlfriend character was interesting or believable. I didn't trust the character and didn't feel like the actors had any chemistry. But the movie was certainly entertaining, even if half the movie I wasn't sure which transformer was doing what. I would recommend drinking very little the day of the movie and waiting to start drinking until at least half way through the movie. I had to pee the last 30 minutes and was FREEZING in the theater. Also, the 3D is pretty cool and makes a lot of the action sequences more interesting.
It was nice to take the boys to do something special with their grandpa and uncle and cousin. Later, the ladies (my MIL, my SBIL's wife, my SBIL's MIL and myself with Lil Bit) sat visiting on the porch while all the boys, littlest cousin included, went for a walk to the pond. We talked about kids, having kids, raising them, letting them go, marriages, weddings. We watched Lil Bit bonk herself on the head by falling off a chair, now that she learned to climb into them at my sister's house.
It was a nice day, although very long and late. I was struck, as we sat around and visited, how this is a very different type of family structure than people envisioned as ideal in the 50's, but it works. My step-sons have an adopted sister, a father Chad and a step-Uncle Chad who is the son of a grandpa who is their grandma's husband, but not biologically related. And we don't care. We are family. We are joined by marriage, love and friendship. We may not always agree or see eye to eye, but we're a family, mixed up and different, but in a world so full of negative things, why worry about labels for people who love you? Family is the only label that matters and it isn't always determined by blood.