Spent all day yesterday feeling awful. Some sort of stomach bug sneaked up on me in my sleep and attacked. I have felt pretty terrible for about 48 hours.
The baby was pretty good yesterday, but being home sick with a baby isn't exactly restful. It is those times I wish for someone to take the baby to daycare so I could take a nice long nap. That didn't happen. I got a couple cat naps, but that isn't enough for being sick.
Then the baby was not ready to go to sleep until very late last night and I woke up with her twice last night. I was still feeling cruddy this morning when she got me up at five. I almost stayed home again, but sucked it up and went to work.
So tired, still not 100% over the stomach gunk, have a long week ahead of me, and baby is pulling up on everything, so I can't leave her alone for a second. She fell over twice and pulled her toy kitchen over her head once. The only thing I can count on right now is that everything changes and I am tired a lot.
So I am too tired to wax poetic for you, I still have at least an hour's worth of stuff to do, but about 20 minutes of things that will actually get done. Missing someone to bring me seven-up and crackers today. Hard core! But too tired to write much. I am very proud though that I wrote everyday throughout my break. Good night all. Maybe I will be more inspired when my guts don't feel like I swallowed a set of jacks? could be . . .
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