Yesterday I had to pick up Lil Bit from school because she was running a temp. She spent the entire day coughing, sneezing, and crying. There were points last night and today, her nose appeared like a little snot faucet. I gave her a prescribed decongestant/anti-histamine. It certainly didn't dry her up. It may have acted like a mucus propulsion system, but it certainly was not pseudo-ephedrine based, otherwise known as effective. So she dripped and hacked and basically was like a mini patient zero. A stuffed dog, monkey and giggle kitty have already been infected, and a shake lamb rattle is looking grim.
I tried to wash hands, use clean tissues for her face and mine, but after she basically was covered in snot and rubbed it all over her own face and then reached for me, I think it was a lost cause. I started feeling sick last night, but am in denial. If I pretend to be ok, I will be. Maybe not, but whining about it almost always makes it worse, so I did my best to keep up with her today, keep her from smearing the floor or dog with bodily fluids, and tried not to get grossed out by having to touch her. Ughh, I can do poopy pants, even when they are gross and it doesn't bother me, but the rivers of mucus down her face were a bit much. She was clingy and tired and cranky. It was another fun weekend of separation anxiety plus the flu, yay!
So we snuggled up and took a nice long nap today. I did get laundry done but the house is pretty much a lost cause. We were supposed to attend a semi-formal game party tonight, but she seemed worse today and I didn't want her infecting everyone. Plus, I really don't want to have to miss work if she stays sick, so I have to try to cram in as much rest as possible. She didn't seem very interested in food today, but eating with a sore throat is no fun. I don't know if she can or should have chicken soup, but maybe a few spoonfuls tomorrow wouldn't hurt.
I think this is probably harder when they are little and can't tell you what hurts. Maybe getting it myself is a blessing so I can guess what symptoms she might be having too. I know my ears feel itchy, not like an earache yet, but starting and the cough is chesty and hurts. I will definitely have to watch her to see at what point do I take her to the doctor. On a picture of Lil Bit laying on my lap today, a friend of mine posted a comment, "All you want when you're sick is your mama."
It made me stop and again realize that I am her mom. I still crave hot soup and grilled cheese and saltine crackers and seven-up when I get sick. If combined in an exact combination or sequence, I am not sure if these foods have magical properties to cure, but they do transport me back to school sick days and mommy taking care of me. Kinda sucks right now because I don't feel good either and could use my own mommy, but very sweet to think we're building those memories and a relationship right now.
Like most of mommyhood so far, it is a lot of guessing, a lot of winging it and praying not to do any permanent damage, and a lot of hoping love glosses over the rough patches. I can't read her mind. I can't make her get well, but I can hug her and never mind the glob of yuck on my shoulder or the sticky strands of my hair that she has chewed on. I can understand I am going to catch whatever plague she has and just move on to doing what she needs from me.
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